Nathalie Saudo
Nathalie Saudo-Welby is a Senior Lecturer at the Université de Picardie in Amiens, France, where she teaches British Literature and translation. Her doctorate (2003) focuses on degeneration in British literature (1886-1913). She is accredited to direct research in British literature (HDR). She has published over twenty articles on fin-de-siècle literature, women’s writing and women’s perception…
Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni
Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni has been involved in academic events, published several articles and presented papers on subjects relative to her areas of scientific investigation. Her most significant recent contribution is the volume edited with Sämi Ludwig On the Legacy of Maxine Hong Kingston. The Mulhouse Book, published in January 2014 by Lit Verlag in the series…
Valérie Baisnée
Valérie Baisnée is currently a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Paris-Saclay. She holds a PhD in English from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Her research interests include the personal writings and poetry of twentieth-century women, with a particular focus on New Zealand women writers. She has contributed to several published books…
Claire Bazin
Claire Bazin is the author of several books on Charlotte and Emily Brontë: La Vison du mal chez les Soeurs Brontë (PUM, 1995); Jane Eyre, le Pèlerin Moderne (Le Temps, Paris, 2005), Jane Eyre: L’itinéraire d’une Femme (in collaboration with Dominique Sipière). She co-authored Janet Fame, Naissance d’une Oeuvre: The Lagoon in collaboration with Alice…
Corinne Bigot
— BOOKS ◊ Alice Munro, les silences de la nouvelle, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014. http://www.pur-editions.fr/detail.php?idOuv=3559 ◊ Sunlight and Shadows, Past and Present: Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades, Paris: CNED-PUF, 2014. Co-authored with Prof. Catherine Lanone. https://www.puf.com/content/Sunlight_and_Shadows_Past_and_Present_Alice_Munros_Dance_Happy_Shades –. EDITED VOLUMES OF ESSAYS – Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 37-2 (June 2015) : Special Issue…
Women’s Life Writing and the Practice of Reading (2018)
publised in 2028, Palgrave Macmillan (Life Writing Series)
Texte, image et écriture de soi dans les récits de vie féminins de langue anglaise
merci à tous nos participants et participantes pour notre colloque pour toute question nous contacter corinne bigot nathalie saudo valérie baisnée < valerie.baisnee@neuf.fr> nicoleta alexoa zagni stephanie genty claire bazin
Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni
Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni a co-dirigé On the Legacy of Maxine Hong Kingston. The Mulhouse Book, 2014 Lit Verlag (“Contributions to Asian American Literary Studies”.)
Corinne Bigot
— ouvrage individuel ◊ Alice Munro, les silences de la nouvelle, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014.Automatic word wrap http://www.pur-editions.fr/detail.php?idOuv=3559 ouvrage co-écrit: ◊ Sunlight and Shadows, Past and Present: Alice Munro’s Dance of the Happy Shades, Paris: CNED-PUF, 2014. Co-authored with Prof. Catherine Lanone.Automatic word wrap https://www.puf.com/content/Sunlight_and_Shadows_Past_and_Present_Alice_Munros_Dance_Happy_Shades – direction et co-direction de numéraux spéciaux revues (guest…
meetings 2017-2018 on women’s life writing and text and image
our 2017-2018 seminar will focus on the tension, misrepresentation, distortion or correspondence that may exist between text and images. The seductive power (soft power) of images as well as their emotional pull, their evocative power, both of which introduce a complex relationship with the text will be studied. Various forms of life writing will be…